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Magazine parameters: A4 format, full color, 60 pages, fastening - paper clip, cover - selective varnish.
Journal release schedule: quarterly

In 2021, 4 issues of the Potato System magazine will be released.

No. 1 release date: February 25, submission deadline: February 8
No. 2 release date: June 2, deadline for submission of materials: until May 16
No. 3 release date: September 8, deadline for materials submission: until August 23
No. 4 release date: November 19, deadline for submission of materials: until November 1

Circulation of the magazine: from 2500 copies.

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Information and analytical interregional journal "Potato system"

The journal is registered by the Federal Service for Supervision of Communications, Information Technology and Mass Communications

Certificate PI No. FS77-35134